spiritual cleansing

Salt Cleansing 

What you will need
Alligator pepper
Purified water (rain water or spring )
White bucket or silver 

Get salt 7 spoon
Alligator pepper 7 seed Then add your salt to the water put your alligator pepper in your mouth chew and pray to God ask for his forgiveness and bath for three days 

You can do this anytime

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Use back to sender to wide away failures and negativities from your life and who ever wishes to harm you in any way will be send back to him/her  click to buy now

May your prayer be answerd

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what you will need
Six flowers perfume
Ewedu leaves
Bintu Al Sudan perfume
Alligator pepper
Black soap

This soap is  for attraction and favour

Six flower perfume make sure you part inside the oil after making it

For favour and general love get one table spoon of honey black soap
Ewedu leaves 
21 seeds of alligator pepper
Bintu perfume pond all ingredient use it to bath for three days come back and testify

Original Ayu oil by OUMFARHAN for sexual pleasure makes your V extremely juicy and sweet prevent it from drying up and is 100% natural which makes it safe to use 


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